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Healthy Streets Project - TfL policies

TfL (Transport for London) describes its Healthy Streets Approach in the following way.

'The Healthy Streets Approach puts people and their health at the centre of decisions about how we design, manage and use public spaces. It aims to make our streets healthy, safe and welcoming for everyone.'

The links below give more information on TfL Healthy Streets Approach and GLA (Greater London Assembly) Healthy Streets Policy'

The funding for this project comes from Transport for London through its funding for Croydon's Local Implementation Plan (LIP). It comes under Healthy Neighbourhoods. Its code is CR0 11. Click here to see Croydon's 2022/23 Funding document

Local Implementation Plans (LIPs) set out how each London borough will meet the objectives of the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy.

LIP Funding -LIP funding is the process through Transport for London provides boroughs with financial support. The funding is for schemes to improve their transport networks in a way that is consistent with and supports the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy.

We also provide a link to Croydon's current Local Implementation Plan. Future funding for any Croydon LIP will be affected by the degree to which Croydon Council meets its current LIP.

Welcome Canning & Clyde residents site

For residents living in Canning Road and Clyde Road, East Croydon / Addiscombe

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